Gaslighting is a Common Practice of Abusers Quote

Photo blue frame with black background created by gail meyers with quote Gaslighting is a common practice of abusers who attempt to convince their victims they are defective for any reason such as making the victim more emotional, more needy or dependent. For example, if an abusive person says hurtful things and tries to convince you that you are mentally unstable and starts recommending that you get professional help, you might be in the presence of a gaslighter. Martha Stout, Ph.D, author of The Sociopath Next Door.
Martha Stout, Ph.D Gaslighting Quote

Gaslighting is a common practice of abusers who attempt to convince their victims they are defective for any reason such as making the victim more emotional, more needy or dependent. For example, if an abusive person says hurtful things and tries to convince you that you are mentally unstable and starts recommending that you get professional help, you might be in the presence of a gaslighter. Martha Stout, Ph.D, author of The Sociopath Next Door.

Photo: Created by Gail Meyers years ago on Narcissistic Personality Disorder Mother Facebook.


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