Top 10 Gail Meyers Narcissistic Mothers Quotes

In my experience some sick people love to try to beat you half to death with the Bible. Of course, it's usually some biblical text taken out of context being used as a pretext. That's what cults do, and in my opinion my family of origin, led by a narcissistic personality disordered parent, is a little cult family. Tactics of a Narcissistic Mother by Gail Meyers
Gail Meyers Quote

In my experience some sick people love to try to beat you half to death with the Bible. Of course, it's usually some biblical text taken out of context being used as a pretext. That's what cults do, and in my opinion a family of origin, led by a narcissistic personality disordered parent, is a little cult family. Tactics of a Narcissistic Mother by Gail Meyers

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Guilt Trips Video by Gail Meyers Guilt Trips - Do not let someone with little or no conscience use your conscience against you. False guilt is purely an instrument of needless suffering, manipulation and control. Gail  Narcissistic Mothers Know They Are Manipulating by Gail Meyers
Guilt Trips Video by Gail Meyers
Guilt Trips - Do not let someone with little or no conscience use your conscience against you. False guilt is purely an instrument of needless suffering, manipulation and control. Gail

Narcissistic Mothers Know They Are Manipulating by Gail Meyers

Gail Meyers Covert Narcissist Quote
You truly cannot fault a wolf for being a wolf. That's who he is. He looks like a wolf and he acts like a wolf, but you know he's a wolf. The danger with a covert narcissist is that you are dealing with a treacherous wolf hell-bent on pretending to be an innocent, victimized sheep - at least in public. Gail Meyers, Tactics of a Narcissistic Mother

Gail Meyers Pretenders in the Church Quote
Pretenders in the Church

Many of us have learned the hard way that just because someone professes to be a Christian does not necessarily mean that is the case. The Bible warns that everyone is not who they claim to be. There are those who profess to be Christians for the very reason they use the church and a facade of piety to conceal their consistently treacherous intentions and behavior. There are examples in every religion from parents to church leaders. Gail Meyers, The Scapegoats of a Narcissistic Mother: The "Christian" Narcissist Mother

Gail Meyers Quote List of Tactics of a Narcissistic Mother: Gaslighting, Scapegoating, Divide and Conquer, Playing the Victim, Vilifying True Victims, Smear Campaigns, Silent Treatment, Forgive and Forget, Guilt Trips.
Tactics of a Narcissistic Mother by Gail Meyers Quote

Tactics of a Narcissistic Mother by Gail Meyers


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