Top 10 Logic Quotes (Critical Thinking)

Red Herring Definition

Red Herring...something designed to divert an opponent's attention from the central issue. If a herring is dragged across a trail that hounds are following, it throws them off the scent. Dictionary dot com

Appeal to Ego  Appeal to flattery (also apple polishing, or wheel greasing) is a fallacy in which a person uses flattery, excessive compliments, in an attempt to win support for their side. Flattery is often used to hide the true intent of an idea or proposal. Praise offers a momentary personal distraction that can often weaken judgment. Moreover, it is usually a cunning form of appeal to consequences, since the audience is subject to be flattered as long as they comply with the flatterer.  Also see love bombing, which will be linked here after it is posted.
Appeal to Ego - Flattery

Appeal to Ego

Appeal to flattery (also apple polishing, or wheel greasing) is a fallacy in which a person uses flattery, excessive compliments, in an attempt to win support for their side.
Flattery is often used to hide the true intent of an idea or proposal. Praise offers a momentary personal distraction that can often weaken judgment. Moreover, it is usually a cunning form of appeal to consequences, since the audience is subject to be flattered as long as they comply with the flatterer.

Also see love bombing, which will be linked here after it is posted.

A sweeping generalization is applying a general rule to a specific instance (without proper evidence), and a hasty generalization is applying a specific rule to a general situation (without proper evidence).
Sweeping Generalization
sweeping generalization is applying a general rule to a specific instance (without proper evidence), and a hasty generalization is applying a specific rule to a general situation (without proper evidence). 

Ad Hoinem Personal Attacks

Poisoning the Well

Critical Thinking, Logic and Argumentation Playlist on YouTube - 32 Videos
by Dr. Gregory Sadler

Perp's False Moral Dilemmas

Thought for the Day for July 31

A limited number of options (usually two) is given, while in reality there are more options. A false dilemma is an illegitimate use of the "or" operator. Putting issues or opinions into "black or white" terms is a common instance of this fallacy. - Stephen's Guide - False Dilemma

False Dilemma also known as: all-or-nothing fallacy,false dichotomy*, the either-or fallacy, either-or reasoning, fallacy of false choice, fallacy of false alternatives, black-and-white thinking, the fallacy of exhaustive hypotheses, bifurcation, excluded middle, no middle ground, polarization. False Dilemma on Logically Fallacious


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