Top 10 Narcissist Smear Campaign Quotes

Another dark ploy is that narcissists contact your relatives, in-laws, friends and anyone who will listen to broadcast blatant lies about your character. This doesn’t happen in all instances but it is remarkable the lengths these malicious individuals exceed to trash you, put you at fault and lead others to believe that you are “crazy”; you need immediate psychiatric help; you have always been unstable, etc. Linda Martinez-Lewi, Ph.D
Linda Martinez-Lewi, Ph.D Quote

Another dark ploy is that narcissists contact your relatives, in-laws, friends and anyone who will listen to broadcast blatant lies about your character. This doesn’t happen in all instances but it is remarkable the lengths these malicious individuals exceed to trash you, put you at fault and lead others to believe that you are “crazy”; you need immediate psychiatric help; you have always been unstable, etc. Even people whom you have trusted —family members—can be flipped to the narcissist’s side, especially if he/she has influence over them and deep pockets. Dr. Linda Martinez-Lewi, Malicious Narcissists Convincing Others You Are At Fault Or Crazy on The Narcissist In Your Life

Black Background with Public lettering and frame with quote When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. - Socrate
Socrates Quotes

When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. - Socrates

Gail Meyers Quote on Image CC0 Public Domain via Pixabay. "In my experience the smear campaign is always used by abusers for what they consider premeditated damage control in anticipation of exposure." - Gail Meyers Narcissist Smear Campaign Video on YouTube.
Gail Meyers Smear Campaign Quote

In my experience the smear campaign is always used by abusers for what they consider premeditated damage control in anticipation of exposure. - Gail Meyers Narcissist Smear Campaign Video on YouTube.


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