Thought for the Day Quotes for the Week of July 31 - August 5

Low Expectation - Lots of Information - Search and Seizure Quote
Low Expectation - Lots of Information
Does the Midwest still bury New York trash? 

Read more on Low Expectation - Lots of Information and in Google+ Community Echo Scapegoat Recovery Tactics, Narcissistic Abuse: Legal Awareness

"Gaslighting in a form of psychological abuse used by narcissists in order to instill in their victim an extreme sense of anxiety and confusion to the point where they no longer trust their own memory, perception or judgment. The techniques used in "Gaslighting" by the narcissist are similar to those used in brainwashing, interrogation, and torture that have been used in psychological warfare that have been used by intelligence operative, law enforcement and other forces for decades."  The Effects of Gaslighting in Narcissistic Victim Syndrome by Chrstine Louis de Canonville on Narcissistic Behavior Quote.

Thought for the Day Quote for August 4:

"Gaslighting is a form of psychological abuse used by narcissists in order to instill in their victim an extreme sense of anxiety and confusion to the point where they no longer trust their own memory, perception or judgment. The techniques used in "Gaslighting" by the narcissist are similar to those used in brainwashing, interrogation, and torture that have been used in psychological warfare thathave been used by intelligence operative, law enforcement and other forces for decades."

The Effects of Gaslighting in Narcissistic Victim Syndrome by Christine Louis de Canonville on Narcissistic Behavior 

Emotional Blackmailers Quote

Thought for the Day for August 3

Emotional blackmailers use fear, obligation and guilt in their relationships, ensuring that others feel afraid to cross the, obligated to give them their way and swamped by guilt if they resist. - Gavin Miller

Dr David McDermott Definition of a Psychopath Quote from Decision Making Confidence dot com

Thought for the Day Quote for August 2

No Inner Policeman
Imagine if you never felt guilt, or embarrassment, or remorse for anything you did, ever! And there is no emotional attachment to other people and their emotions have no effect on you. In other words, you have no "conscience", no inner policeman telling you what you should and should not do. And never any regrets either.

What could you do? More importantly, what could you not do? The range of possibilities is endless. You would just go for what you want, regardless of anybody else. You would take what you want, treat people the way you want, manipulate them or abuse them simply for the sake of dominating themDr. David McDermott, Definition of Psychopath and What It All Means

When confronted by evil, the wisest and most secure adult will usually experience confusion. M. Scott Peck, M.D., People of the Lie Quote
Evil Causes Confusion Dr. M. Scott Peck Quote

Thought for the Day Quote for August 1

When confronted by evil, the wisest and most secure adult will usually experience confusion. M. Scott Peck, M.D., People of the Lie

Perp's False Moral Dilemmas

Thought for the Day for July 31

A limited number of options (usually two) is given, while in reality there are more options. A false dilemma is an illegitimate use of the "or" operator. Putting issues or opinions into "black or white" terms is a common instance of this fallacy. - Stephen's Guide - False Dilemma

False Dilemma also known as: all-or-nothing fallacy,false dichotomy*, the either-or fallacy, either-or reasoning, fallacy of false choice, fallacy of falsealternatives, black-and-white thinking, the fallacy of exhaustive hypotheses, bifurcation, excluded middle, no middle ground, polarization. False Dilemma on Logically Fallacious


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