Thought for the Day Quote - Week of August 14-19

Narcissists are parasitic...

Narcissists are parasitic. Using this word makes me feel nauseated but it aptly describes their process of feeding off of your life. When we live with a narcissist–mother, father, spouse, sibling or are involved with them, our psychological energy is continually sapped. Some victims of narcissists describe this process as trying to destroy and annihilate them, taking what is most precious inside away with their cruelties, chronic deceptions, hidden agendas, humiliations, threats and ambushes. Linda Martinez-Lewi, PhD, Narcissists Psychologically Feed Off of Your Life–Protect Yourself! 

Note: If you can't protect yourself due to escalation into criminal activity, the police might help or they might add to it your burden and what you are enduring, actively or more subtly and passively, while behaviorially "teaching" you not to even try to report it...up to and including multipe serious crimes against your life and person, loved ones, property, identity, income, credentials, etc.

Narcissistic mother's game of forgive and forget consists of you forgiving and forgetting so she can avoid accountability and keep on abusing you without consequences. Gail Meyers   The Dangerous Game of Forgive and Forget Video by Gail Meyers
The Dangerous Game of Forgive and Forget

Thought for the Day Quote for August 18

The narcissist's game of forgive and forget consists of you forgiving and forgetting so they can avoid accountability and keep on abusing you without consequences. Gail Meyers, The Dangerous Game of Forgive and Forget Video 


Thought for the Day for August 17

Note: "Gangstalking scum" does not include minor children the scumbags involve and use in perpetration.

Thought for the Day for August 16

What Makes Narcissists Tick by the late Kathy Krajco - may she rest in peace.

Professionals often say that narcissists overreact to the merest unintended slights and that they fly into a rage for the slightest reason. But this view seems anthropomorphic (ascribing human form or attributes to a being or thing not human) to me. I suspect it comes from forgetting that the narcissist on your couch is a pathological liar. I would hate to admit how long it took me to discover this, but in my experience, what triggers a Narcissist Attack is nothing but a vulnerable target of opportunity. the late Kathy Krajco, What Makes Narcissists Tick - download her free book.

(These two are my choice and vary from what was actually posted early this week)

Anyone is susceptible to gaslighting, and it is a common technique of abusers, dictators, narcissists, and cult leaders. It is done slowly, so the victim doesn't realize how much they've been brainwashed. Stephanie Sarkis, Ph.D, 11 Signs of Gaslighting in a Relationship on Psychology Today
Anyone is susceptible to gaslighting quote.

Thought for the Day for August 15

Anyone is susceptible to gaslighting, and it is a common technique of abusers, dictators, narcissists, and cult leaders. It is done slowly, so the victim doesn't realize how much they've been brainwashed. Stephanie Sarkis, Ph.D, 11 Signs of Gaslighting in a Relationship on Psychology Today.

Gaslighting is a form of persistent manipulation and brainwashing that causes the victim to doubt her or himself, and to ultimately lose their own sense of perception, identity, and self-worth. Gaslighting statements and accusations are usually based on blatant lies or exaggeration of the truth. Preston Ni, M.S.B.A., 8 Signs of Being in a Relationship With a Gaslighter: How gaslighters emotionally manipulate, traumatize, and exploit victims on Psychology Toda
Social Chameleon

Thought for the Day for August 14

Gaslighting is a form of persistent manipulation and brainwashing that causes the victim to doubt her or himself, and to ultimately lose their own sense of perception, identity, and self-worth. Gaslighting statements and accusations are usually based on blatant lies or exaggeration of the truth. Preston Ni, M.S.B.A., 8 Signs of Being in a Relationship With a Gaslighter: How gaslighters emotionally manipulate, traumatize, and exploit victims on Psychology Today.


NPDMFB is Becoming Echo Scapegoat Recovery Tactics - Summer 2017

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