Top 10 Forgive and Forget vs. Forgiveness Quotes

Forgiveness in the absence of repentance is not only unwise but also dangerous. - Dr. George Simon, Repentance and Forgiveness by Dr. George Simon.
Forgiveness in the Absence of Repentance Quote

Forgiveness in the absence of repentance is not only unwise but also dangerous. - Dr. George Simon, Repentance and Forgiveness by Dr. George Simon.

Telling an unrepentant narcissist you forgive them is a travesty and violation of true forgiveness. They will take your cheap grace and throw it in your face along with greater abuses. Anna Valerious, Testing for Repentance on Narcissists Suck
Unrepentant Narcissist Forgiveness Quote

Telling an unrepentant narcissist you forgive them is a travesty and violation of true forgiveness. They will take your cheap grace and throw it in your face along with greater abuses. Anna Valerious, Testing for Repentance on Narcissists Suck

Dr. Cloud brings some much needed expert clarity to the seemingly endlessly tangled issue of forgiveness within this arena. There are many distinctions to be made on this topic within this arena, and he is getting right to the heart of the matter with these three: forgiveness, reconciliation and trust. - Gail
Dr. Henry Cloud Forgiveness with Boundaries Quote

Dr. Cloud brings some much needed expert clarity to the seemingly endlessly tangled issue of forgiveness within this arena. There are many distinctions to be made on this topic within this arena, and he is getting right to the heart of the matter with these three: forgiveness, reconciliation and trust. - Gail


1. Forgiveness has to do with the past. Forgiveness is not holding something someone has done against you. It is letting it go. It only takes one to offer forgiveness.

2. Reconciliation has to do with the present. It occurs when the other person apologizes and accepts forgiveness. It takes two to reconcile.
3. Trust has to do with the future. It deals with both what you will risk happening again and what you will open yourself up to. A person must show through his actions that he is trustworthy before you trust him again.

Narcissistic mother's game of forgive and forget consists of you forgiving and forgetting so she can avoid accountability and keep on abusing you without consequences. Gail Meyers   The Dangerous Game of Forgive and Forget Video by Gail Meyers
The Dangerous Game of Forgive and Forget

The narcissist's game of forgive and forget consists of you forgiving and forgetting so they can avoid accountability and keep on abusing you without consequences. Gail Meyers, The Dangerous Game of Forgive and Forget Video 


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