Top 10 How to Build Healthy Trust Quotes

Trust should be earned not granted. Think of trust as a ladder, and take it a step at a time. You wouldn't jump to the top of a ladder, skipping all of the steps in between. Don't grant blind trust. Slowly build trust a step at a time, and maintain boundaries. Only progress to the next step as you determine whether it is safe to take the next step. Trust Quote Gail Meyers Kelly Christensen Echo Scapegoat Recovery Tactics 2017.
Trust Should Be Earned Not Granted Quote

Trust should be earned not granted. Think of trust as a ladder, and take it a step at a time. You wouldn't jump to the top of a ladder, skipping all of the steps in between. Don't grant blind trust. Slowly build trust a step at a time, and maintain boundaries. Only progress to the next step as you determine whether it is safe to take the next step. Echo Scapegoat Recovery Tactics© 2017. 


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