Top 10 Psycho Gangstalkers Roaming Free in Society Quotes

Johnson County Area Law Enforcement...Inept and Corrupt

Kelly Ann Chrisetnsen KC3Lady, 5521 Beverly Lane #B, Mission, Johnson County, Kansas 66202 - Identity theft alert

Have your home, apartment, (desk or office at work or auto also drugged through ventilation) turned into a Nazi gas chamber "death house" by the scum running loose in society - some with badges!

Kelly Christensen, JD - Still Unlicensed

Unfortunately, the echos ripple through the police departments, too...

This is going to be a book when there has been justice, restitution and damages in this situation in order to redeem all of this and to warn unsuspecting, innocent citizens in the future.

This is going to be a book as previously stated

Justice, Restitution and Damages - Return of Children

I want justice, restitution, and damages for my natural born child, grandchildren AND children ("children" here meaning any offspring or descendant are not to be represented by any counsel without my approval - also previously stated in 2016).

My precious babies, I will always want you and love you. If these nutcases are trying to convince you otherwise, try not to listen to these psychopaths even though I know they force themselves on you every minutes of every day, they impersonate innocent and targeted people (and each other when they are trying to play the victim), quite convincingly at times. I am wrestling with the devil right now (so to speak) to see that justice is served and there's restitution and damages for each of us.

The Real Slim Stupidhead Quote (He Didn't Stand Up)

The super clever "leverage" of the psycho gangstalkers is to claim they are watching (passing around to all the police departments, local residents, psychos) criminally recorded videos of you over the years (they have been criminally violating your privacy, retroactively termed "surveillance") in the privacy of your own home. This is their red herring intimidation (and response to any number of valid allegations, points, etc.) Note: They are claiming at this time to be forcing a child to say, "That's a lawsuit." He is not a "stupidhead," far from it.

Artificial Intelligence Voice Cloning

Read the full article at Lyrebird claims it can recreate any voice using just one minute of sample audio

Stop Organized Stalking!

Intestinal Parasites

Perpetrators repeatedly infect people with intestinal parasites. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention has good information, and Brenda Watson is an expert on the topic. It can be very disgusting, but also an important topic. So try to squirm your way through it to awareness! There are some great articles about different foods that kill various ones (be careful), as well as Brenda's cleanses, and talking to your doctor first, of course. Also of interest, Toxoplasma gondii and Schizophrenia


This current local law enforcement is an absolute disgrace. I am more specifically reminded of the policemen who I grew up knowing while working as a cashier in the local little store. Those were men who laid their lives on the line everyday to keep the rest of us safe. These sorry excuses are a disgrace to men like those. These psycho gangstalkers even accused those cops of being pedophiles who were watching me be molested as a child. That is how vile these gangstalking creatures are, and worse. And what is local law enforcement doing about it? Helping them! They attempt to dismantle a person, breaking them down by any means necessary - slow kill murder, premeditated with malice.

Gangstalking Savages Running Free

Thought for the Day for August 7

Gangstalking scum (and you know who you are) do all of these things, even to innocent children as young as three. In gangs they work on absolutely destroying other exceedingly better human beings than themselves.

You running around destroying people doesn't make you brilliant or them stupid. It makes you a psycho. Narc Quotes

Echo:     Greek mythology of Narcissus and Echo.     Repetition of phrases, colors, behaviors. Gangstalkers engage in echoing speech and behavior.      Electronics, the reflection of a radiowave, as in radar and the like.
Kelly "KC3Lady" Christensen Echo Scheme Quote - Book to Follow


Greek mythology of Narcissus and Echo.

Repetition of phrases, colors, behaviors. Gangstalkers engage in echoing speech and behavior. 

Electronics, the reflection of a radiowave, as in radar and the like. 

Copyright, Kelly "KC3Lady" Christensen, all rights reserved worldwide.

Wrap Your Head Around Echo Scapegoat Recovery Tactics© 2017 on Blogger Created using background image by geralt CC0 Public Domain via Pixabay
Wrap Your Head Around Echo Scapegoat Recovery Tactics© 2017

Perpetrators in workplace mobbings and multiple perpetrator stalking change the clocks in your environment. Perps call it, "Does anyone really know what time it is?" Created by Kelly Christensen using photo of clock CC0 Public Domain via Pixabay
Does Anyone Really Know What Time It Is? Quote

Perpetrators in workplace mobbings and multiple perpetrator stalkers change the clocks in your environment. Perps call it, "Does anyone really know what time it is?" - Echo Scapegoat Recovery Tactics©


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