Top 10 Trauma, Trauma Bonding and Stockholm Syndrome Quote

Velma Vulture confirms what Christine Louis de Canonville has already shared with us about "Stalkhome" Syndrome, but claims that gangstalkers orchestrate trauma bonding. Velma has come forward in protest to being compared to gangstalkers in the last post, and claims vultures are nowhere near as pathetic or vile. I tend to agree. So, everyone say hello to Velma. - Kelly  Read about Stockholm Syndrome on The Place of Stockholm Syndrome in Narcissistic Victim Syndrome.

Velma Vulture confirms what Christine Louis de Canonville has already shared with us about "Stalkhome" Syndrome, but claims that gangstalkers orchestrate trauma bonding. Velma has come forward in protest to being compared to gangstalkers in the last post, and claims vultures are much more dignified, nowhere near as pathetic or vile. I tend to agree. So, everyone say hello to Velma. - Kelly

Read about Stockholm Syndrome on The Place of Stockholm Syndrome in Narcissistic Victim Syndrome.

What is Trauma?  Traumatic experiences are those that are so intense they overwhelm your ability to cope or to integrate them in a healthy way. Trauma can occur as the result of months or years of abuse or neglect (sometimes referred to as "Little T" trauma), or in the wake of a single overwhelming event (sometimes referred to as "Big T" trauma).  The adverse impact of trauma may be obvious or hidden, immediate or delayed. The effects of trauma in childhood can be just as complex and wide-ranging as those experienced by victims of a catastrophic event. Life Healing Center
What is Trauma?
What is Trauma?

Traumatic experiences are those that are so intense they overwhelm your ability to cope or to integrate them in a healthy way. Trauma can occur as the result of months or years of abuse or neglect (sometimes referred to as "Little T" trauma), or in the wake of a single overwhelming event (sometimes referred to as "Big T" trauma).

The adverse impact of trauma may be obvious or hidden, immediate or delayed. The effects of trauma in childhood can be just as complex and wide-ranging as those experienced by victims of a catastrophic event. Life Healing Center

Hear No Evil. Speak No Evil. See No Evil

Hear No Evil. Speak No Evil. See No Evil. These three monkeys have caused untold pain and suffering. Embrace Reality! Hear what you hear. Speak the truth. See what you see.

"To study psychological trauma is to come face to face both with human vulnerability in the natural world and with the capacity for evil in human nature. To study psychological trauma means bearing witness to horrible events. When the events are natural disasters or "acts of God," those who bear witness sympathize readily with the victim. But when the traumatic events are of human design, those who bear witness are caught in the conflict between victim and perpetrator. It is morally impossible to remain neutral in this conflict. The bystander is forced to take sides.
It is very tempting to take the side of the perpetrator. All the perpetrator asks is that the bystander do nothing. He appeals to the universal desire to see, hear and speak no evil." Dr. Judith Herman's book, Trauma and Recovery in the bookstore.


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